Nota: Esta es mi opinión/análisis personal sobre el tema y no representa ninguna postura oficial de Mozilla. Acabamos de anunciar que la aventura con Firefox OS en dispositivos móviles llega a su fin, han sido 4 años en los que desde Mozilla hemos trabajado muy duro para que la web fuera la plataforma de los dispositivos móviles. Desafortunadamente esta batalla…
Categoría: General
Cifra todos tus sitios con Let’s Encrypt de forma sencilla, rápida y gratuita
Que la comunicación entre los usuarios y los sitios web viaje de forma segura, cifrada y no pueda ser interceptada por terceros debería ser algo obligatorio para todos los sitios. Hasta hace muy poco el proceso para que los dueños de una página web para obtuvieran un certificado para cifrar sus webs (el famoso https) era un proceso, lento tedioso…
Lessons from Participation, Reps and Regional in 2015
Please check my full resume for more details about my work 2015 has been an AMAZING year, both for me personally and for participation at Mozilla. We started the year as a new team, the Participation team, trying to figure out ways to make volunteer participation a core value at mozilla and making it more impacful. Luckily for us we…
Participation, next steps
Please check my full resume for more details about my work Following up from my previous post, I’m happy to say that during the last quarter we did (and accomplished) an amazing job as Participation team in Mozilla. We were working as a team with a clear long-run mandate for the first time, and I think that was the key…
Bringing better support to regional communities
Please check my full resume for more details about my work During this third quarter, one of the main goals for the Participation team at Mozilla is to better support Reps and Regional communities. We want to focus our efforts this quarter in 10 countries to be more efficient with the resources we have and be able to: Tailor country…
Bringing participation back to Mozilla
Please check my full resume for more details about my work A few weeks ago, the first coincidental Mozilla Work Week of 2015 took place in Whistler (BC, Canada) and as part of the Participation Team I was working to show the rest of the organization why participation is important and brings a key strategic advantage to Mozilla.
We have to fight again for the web
It’s interesting to see how the history repeats itself and we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Today, more than even, we need to fight again for the web.
Debemos volver a pelear por la web
Es interesante ver cómo la historia se repite de nuevo y cómo repetimos los mismos errores una y otra vez. Hoy más que nunca debemos volver a pelear por la web.
Joining Mozilla full time
I started contributing to Mozilla back in early 2004, when I would have never imagined how my life would be so connected to Mozilla 10 years after.
Uniéndome a Mozilla a tiempo completo
Empecé a colaborar con Mozilla a principios de 2004, en aquel momento no podía haber imaginado cómo mi vida iba a estar tan conectada con el proyecto 10 años después.